Kenyan Clubs to Prioritize Player Safety

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In May this Year a player in Seme Sub-County League lost his life while offering his services ,Few months ago a former Mathare United died of a blood clout in the head sustained during his playing time .For how long should we wait for action to be taken ?

It's high time clubs in Kenya took more serious the issue of ambulance in the stadiums ,not just an ambulance but a well equipped ambulance as part of embracing change in our football . 


In most of the matches I have attended ,I have seen teams come into a gentlemen agreement to start the match without an ambulance and later on leave the game if the ambulance won't be available by the end of the first half ,what if something happens to a player before the break ? 


The issue is brought by the scarcity of the ambulances ready to serve in the football sector ,teams have to depend on one supplier to avail them which at times is hard . 


Sometimes back , Football in Kenya used to be played in Unmarked fields untill when match officials got mad and Incase you were got with unmarked pitch a walkover was given instantly ,some teams were even unable to produce a complete set of jerseys for match days but when strict measures were taken each club got serious with pitch marking and jerseys for players .


The same should be done to clubs starting matches without a fully equipped medical vehicle (Ambulance) ,if a team can't produce it at the start of the match ,the game should not even start and walkover given to the visiting team ,with this ,the issue will be sorted forever or unless we are waiting a player ,a fan ,a media personnel or even a fan to die in our stadia for actions to be taken . 


I support teams protesting matches due to unavailability of well equipped ambulance,infact no match should even start without AMBULANCE


#SokaMashinani #owsports #Kefootball
